Package-level declarations


class StudyPlanClickedActivityHyperskillAnalyticEvent(val activityId: Long, val activityType: Int?, val activityTargetType: ContentType?, val activityTargetId: Long?, val isLocked: Boolean) : HyperskillAnalyticEvent

Represents an analytic event for clicking on an activity in the study plan.

Represents a click on "Change track" button analytic event.

Represents a click analytic event of the error state placeholder in the section activities.

Represents a click analytic event of the error state placeholder retry button.

Represents a click analytic event of the study plan section, when section is expanded or collapsed.

Represents an analytic event for clicking on an Subscribe button in the study plan.

Represents a click analytic event of the ExpandCompleted button in the section.

Represents a click analytic event of the load more button in the section.

Represents a hidden analytic event of the stage implement unsupported bottom sheet.

Represents a shown analytic event of the stage implement unsupported bottom sheet.

Link copied to clipboard

Represents a view analytic event.